Laser Wizardry

If you have ever wondered how magicians use lasers to cast spells, you have probably heard of Laser Wizardry. It is a form of magic, a variant on Laser Manipulation, which uses lasers to cast spells. However, the process is not entirely straightforward. It may require the use of a medium, such as water or metal. If you lose a laser, your magic might stop working. Also, other forms of magic can affect the laser.
Scientists who have made use of lasers to manipulate tiny objects have won the Nobel Prize for Physics. Their work has made it possible to capture superfast processes and manipulate them without causing damage. The prize was shared by two Nobel Laureates, Donna Strickland (who is also the oldest of the three women to win this award), and Gerard Mourou, a professor at the Ecole Polytechnique in Palaiseau, France. All benefits Education